Clippers’ Defeat the Cowichan Valley Capitals 3-2

#35 Tyler Hodges makes a great save on the Cowichan player.

The Nanaimo Clippers defeated the Cowichan Valley Capitals, 3-2 on Saturday evening at the Big Stick in Duncan. Read Dan Marshall's write-up on NanaimoNewsNow.comClippers defeat the Capitals.

#11 Willyam Gendron fights for the puck at a face off.
#18 Mike Murtagh listed=n to the response of the Cowichan fans as he comes bak to the bench to celebrate his goal.
#35 Tom Kiesewetter celebrates #31 Tyler Hodges win with him.
#28 Luke Biby and #29 Sam Boisvert celebrate their first goals as Clippers, while goalie Tyler Hodges celebrates is first win.